
Vagrant VMware Utility + openSUSE Tumbleweed

I recently switched back to using VMWare Workstation (17.0.2) with Vagrant (2.3.7) this time with openSUSE Tumbleweed instead of Fedora, and found that every time I restarted, the Vagrant VMware Utility (1.0.22) would “fail to communicate”.

To fix this, I ended up created the following shell script to ensure the service was loaded correctly:

#! /usr/bin/bash

sudo systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/vagrant-vmware-utility.service
sudo systemctl restart vagrant-vmware-utility.service

Save this as a, ensure it is executable, and run it:

$ chmod +x
$ ./

UPDATE 2023-10-25:

I recently updated to VMWare Workstation 17.5.0 and Vagrant 2.4.0 and realized my initial script was incorrect. I’m now using the following:

#! /usr/bin/bash

sudo systemctl enable /opt/vagrant-vmware-desktop/bin/vagrant-vmware-utility.service
sudo systemctl restart vagrant-vmware-utility.service

Linux Variable Fonts

The default GNOME font in Fedora – Cantarell – just wasn’t doing it for me recently and so I decided to find an alternative font. That path led me to Proxima Vara. Variable fonts are a relatively new font technology, and being Linux, I wasn’t too surprised that GNOME didn’t support this out of the box. Like most things with Linux, I guessed that there was already a solution.

Note: everything that follows is in the context of Proxima Vara, but I’d bet other fonts work the same.

First, install the font, then let’s see how the OS sees it

fc-list | grep Proxima

The result was the following (truncated to show Regular and Bold)

/var/home/ryan/.local/share/fonts/Mark Simonson - Proxima Vara Roman.ttf: Proxima Vara,Proxima Vara Roman:style=Regular
/var/home/ryan/.local/share/fonts/Mark Simonson - Proxima Vara Roman.ttf: Proxima Vara,Proxima Vara Roman:style=Bold

Next, using the dconf tool (install as needed) and search for “font”. For both “document-font-name” and “font-name” I used the following value

Proxima Vara style=Regular 10

Note the “style=Regular” here, that was the key to solving the problem. Also note that the “10” here is the font size I wanted to use, but you can change it to your preference.

If you use a took like (GNOME) Tweaks, it will list fonts set in this way as “none”, but I suspect that will change eventually as Tweaks comes to support variable fonts.

Development Learning Linux

FileZilla Pro .desktop file

For anyone who might decide to purchase a license for FileZilla Pro for Linux – Pop!_OS (Ubuntu) in my case – and you want to have an icon to open the application instead of using the command line, try the following:

Extract the files (assuming your bz2 file is in your Downloads folder)

$ cd Downloads
$ tar -xvJf FileZilla- (tab to autocomplete)

Move it to some place nice

$ sudo mv FileZilla3 /opt

Then create the .desktop file

$ vim ~/.local/share/applications/FileZilla.desktop 

Paste the following text

[Desktop Entry]
Name=FileZilla Pro
GenericName=FTP client
GenericName[fr]=Client FTP
Comment=Download and upload files via FTP, FTPS and SFTP
Comment[da]=Download og upload filer via FTP, FTPS og SFTP
Comment[de]=Dateien über FTP, FTPS und SFTP übertragen
Comment[fr]=Transférer des fichiers via FTP, FTPS et SFTP

Save your file and your done. Enjoy!